Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Apparent Ghost Experience

On 3rd of October I arrived in Shimla. Inspite of being capital of a state, this place is rather a quiet place. I guess most of the hilly towns bear this characteristic. Some people will call it spooky. Shimla is somewhat famous for its ghosts and ghost stories. Google it and you will get. Even few books have been dedicated to this subject.  Similar is my experience also. I was sleeping alone one night in room no. 2 in bhaiya's quarter. Bhaiya was in another room (1). I was covered in normal pyjamas amas and some tees and wrapped inside a warm cozy rajai. It was around 2-3 in the morning that I found myself awake. I noticed that I was not able to move myself or so as to speak anything (but I didn't try to make a sound, perhaps coz of habit) . I felt like some one was sitting on my chest. I barely could even open my eyes. Some how with great effort I picked up my phone from the other corner of the bed. Since I could not lift my hand, I had to slide my hand on the bedsheet to grasp the phone. Several thoughts flashed in my mind. The very first thought being : Was it because of ghosts? Spooky town, with immediate history going back to British Empire. It was probable. But to my rational half of brain it didn't make sense. I was feeling as if I was tied to bed with roped. The room being dark but I had my phone in my grasp, which I could use as a source of light. But to my frustration all my attempts to light the phone's screen were in vain. This was the second thing which was behaving abnormally, 1st being myself. I was confused. I tried to get my self free of these invisible shackles but useless was this effort. I was constantly thinking what is odd with this situation.
Then suddenly I woke up from my dream. It was a dream and certainly a most timely dream. Had I been more afraid of paranormals I would have run to bhaiya's room. But then I was sure for it to be some psychological phenomenon. The rajai was certainly heavy, and my subconscious could have felt like this, no doubt. I was more certain when I saw the phone on bed which was way out of my reach with switching my sides. That meant I was dreaming and there was only one abnormal event that's me feeling tied up to the bed. This shit I certainly understood. Had it been my phone disfunctioning, it was incomprehensible to me.
With in few minutes I again fell in to sleep. And for last 10 days it has not occur.
I searched on net also and found sites and forums confirming my conclusion.
Some call it sleep Paralysis, some Lucid Dreaming...

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Pre Question Papers 2013

Link for civil services (pre) 2013 question Papers.
Google Drive
The Answer key provided may not be correct.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Emptiness !!!

There are some songs which are crafted so beautifully and with so much love that these become your life time favorites . The more you listen to them , the more they take you in there depth.
One such song is certainly this song "Emptiness", most probably voiced by Rohan Rathod (there's controversy over this ).
Many months have passed since I first heard this song, but it's magic still continues and it is one of the most played in my playlist.And tonight I am writing a small blog-entry on this very song.

The Music , the Lyrics , the background 'आलाप'  everything about this song is Awesome.
The song is partly in English and Hindi. But it is the 'आलाप' which touches the soul.

The Hindi part of the song is brilliantly sung by whom "i don't know". But whoever is the person , has done a job which will remain in listener's heart forever.
The song is about the "Unsaid Love"...."Unnoticed Love". The girl never realizes his love, and now the love itself has changed into pain.... And as this happens to many...He feels lonely even in crowd of friends, and when asked says  I feel so lonely...........

There's a better place than this emptiness....yai yai yai yaiii...

Listening to this song makes one enjoy even the loneliness of one's life.
To download Emptiness-lonely click on it.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Simply Awsome "HIMYM"

copying is not right but when things r close to heart and u like smthing very very muchh.....with time being limited.....then giving due credit to the original........I can copy : so here is the latest episodes of How I Met Your Mother , depicted in pictures and If u notice nos,,,...a brilliantly woven story....with heart-clenching ending...........

Marshall: I’m not ready for this.
Whoa. I noticed SOME of these numbers but not all of them. Kudos to HIMYM.
SHIT. This show is flawless. 
Fuck, man. THIS SHOW.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


end semester came and my life started resembling like a jahnum ka rakhwala….today i had ntc(number theory and cryptography paper).it so happened that i had to a nightout like an owl to study a zero knowledge protocol at about 5 o’clock in the morning.which happen to constitute 10 percent of the whole paper so i studied for 30 minute for 10 percent of a paper.

interestingly there was a question with +/- 2 mark think of getting 2 or losing 2 .guess what i was one of those loser who lost 4…..

lyf and one of it’s colors …xams;)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Bitter part of college life


The  song I m going to write is from film Guru sung and directed
by Music Mastro A R Rahman.
A very touching song and to me it sounds like cry of my heart at da moment

"Jaage hain der tak hamein kuch der sone do.........
Aadhe -Adhure khwab jo pure na ho sake....
Ek baar fir se neend me wo  khwab bone do...."

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

..2day is copy-paste day so one more....

शेर को पकड़ना चाहते हैं तो उसके एक से बढ़कर एक नायाब नुस्खे हैं मेरे पास....
1. न्यूटन स्टाइल...

शेर को खुद को पकड़ने दीजिए...

हर क्रिया की बराबर विपरीत प्रतिक्रिया होती है...

शेर आपकी पकड़ में आ जाएगा...

2. आइंस्टीन स्टाइल...

शेर से उल्टी दिशा में दौड़ना शुरू कीजिए...

अधिक सापेक्ष गति (रिलेटिव वेलोसिटी) की वजह से शेर को तेज़ दौड़ना पड़ेगा, शेर जल्दी थक जाएगा...

अब आप उस पर आसानी से काबू पा सकते हैं...

3. भारतीय पुलिस स्टाइल...

किसी भी जानवर को पकड़ कर रात भर लॉकअप में रखो...

सुबह वो खुद मान लेगा, वही शेर है...

4. रजनीकांत स्टाइल...

कभी चश्मा उछालो, कभी सिगरेट, कभी गोली चलाकर कारतूस को पकड़ कर दो टुकड़े कर दो, साथ ही
धमकियां देते रहो, आ रहा हूं मैं...

शेर को डर-डर कर जीना पड़ेगा, और एक दिन ऐसे ही डरते हुए मर जाएगा...

5. जयललिता स्टाइल...

रात दो बजे पुलिस कमिश्नर को शेर के घर भेजो...नींद में ही उड़ा दो...

6. आर्ट फिल्म डायरेक्टर स्टाइल...

सुनिश्चित करिए कि शेर सूरज की रौशनी से दूर रहते हुए अंधेरे कमरे में सिर्फ मोमबत्ती के धीमे प्रकाश में जिए...उसके कानों में हमेशा कुछ न कुछ बुदबुदाते रहो...

शेर इतना पक जाएगा कि खुद ही सुसाइड कर लेगा...

7. करन जौहर स्टाइल

शेरनी को जंगल में शेर के पास भेज दो...

दोनों में प्यार हो जाएगा...

एक शेरनी और भेजो...उसके पीछे एक और शेर...

पहले शेर को पहली शेरनी से और दूसरे शेर को दूसरी शेरनी से प्यार है...

लेकिन दूसरी शेरनी को दोनों शेरों से प्यार है...

अब एक तीसरी शेरनी को जंगल में भेज दो...

अब तक आप सिर खुझाते हुए कुछ नहीं समझ पा रहे होंगे...कोई बात नहीं...अब इसे 15 साल बाद पढ़िएगा...

फिर भी कुछ नहीं समझ पाएंगे...

8. गोविंदा स्टाइल...

शेर के सामने पांच-छह दिन लगातार डांस करो...

शेर खुद ही गश खाकर मर जाएगा

9. मेनका गांधी स्टाइल...

किसी शेर को ख़तरे से बचाओ...अपने घर ले जाओ और उसे लगातार मूली, शलजम जैसी हरी सब्जियां खिलाओ...

शेर थोड़े दिन में खुद ही भूख से दम तोड़ देगा...

10. राहुल द्रविड़ स्टाइल...

शेर से कहो कि वो आपको बोलिंग करे...

शेर 200 बोल फेंक लेगा, आपका स्कोर होगा 1 रन...

शेर बोलिंग क्रीज पर ही स्लो मोशन में गिरेगा और हमेशा के लिए आंखें बंद कर लेगा...

कोई भी तरीका अपनाइए, मोक्ष गारंटीड है...